Hope Sustains

Goal: $45 Million

Hope sustains endurance and dedication, regardless of circumstances, so people know Mosaic will be there for the long haul.

Hope in the future enabled visionary leaders to create The Mosaic Foundation more than 40 years ago. Those leaders understood, as we do today, that Mosaic will ensure a long-term future through hope that is supported by strategic action, such as through Hope Beyond Measure.

Donnie Lutton: Spending my day my way.

Donnie has worked for the City of Pittsburg, Kansas for two years. He does various job duties around the city every morning, Monday through Friday. Being able to have a job is very important to Donnie and he is proud of how hard he works.

Sparklann Sparrow, Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Mosaic National Supports: My ‘Why’

“Mosaic gives me a platform to do God’s work which allows me to live out a major part of my purpose in life—to serve others in a selfless way.

“I have recruited hundreds of new employees. Individuals in service depend on me to send caring and kind-hearted people to help them live a fulfilling and happy life. Doing this fills my heart with joy, and I am honored that Mosaic trusts me to recruit and hire good people. I love Mosaic and everything we stand for. We are not willing to let people down.”

See how Aaron, who is supported by Mosaic in South Central Iowa, is thriving through his job that brings independence, responsibility and satisfaction in this video.

Recognized Leader

The healthcare environment is rapidly changing.

Creating standard, industry-wide quality measures will help ensure people receive the best services possible, and that organizations which provide quality services receive appropriate funding to sustain and expand those services.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Enables Mosaic to continue its leadership of and partnership with other values-driven organizations to deliver quality, personalized services.

Mosaic’s focus on quality has made the organization a thought- leader. With two other industry leaders—The Council on Quality and Leadership and The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities—Mosaic hosted three symposia to begin creating a framework for quality standards across disability service providers.

The symposia resulted in a trio of reports that provide a roadmap for establishing key measures that support high quality services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a managed care or value-based services environment.

Your gift to Hope Beyond Measure affirms your support of Mosaic as an industry leader and constant advocate for the quality services people deserve.

A leader in quality

When compared to the national benchmark for quality determined by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL), Mosaic scores higher in a number of areas around personalized services. They include:

Area CQL Mosaic
People are respected 46.2% 54.2%
People exercise rights 39.8% 56.7%
People are treated fairly 46.1% 67.5%
People choose services 26.7% 41.7%
People choose where and with whom to live 29.6% 38.3%
People realize personal goals 58.8% 66.7%


People with disabilities who are respected are 12.5x more likely to be treated fairly

The importance of personalized, whole-person services

When other service providers refused, Mosaic in Delaware opened three homes for young men with autism ages 19-21 who had been in programs outside the state. The service has had a significant impact—a number of medications have been completely eliminated; aggressive behaviors have decreased by as much as 75%; and the young men have been reintegrated into their families to spend time together.

Ensure Independence

The Mosaic Foundation assets need to keep pace with ongoing growth of the organization.

Over the last 40 years, friends who remembered Mosaic in their estate helped build The Mosaic Foundation to $50 million. This amount is about 14 percent of Mosaic’s annual budget. The benchmark for a foundation is to have assets totaling two years of revenue; that’s our long-term goal.

With the growing demand for services, building The Foundation is essential to future success.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Secures Mosaic’s mission as a faith-based, independent, nonprofit organization.
  • Positions Mosaic to grow The Mosaic Foundation’s total assets to $150 million by 2030.
  • Enables funding from The Mosaic Foundation to match the rate of growth with the number of people supported by Mosaic.

The Mosaic Foundation is both a practical hedge against the ups and downs of government funding and a commitment to donors, ensuring their gifts are managed with the highest principles of long-term stewardship.

Your Hope Beyond Measure gift is a promise not just to the people served today, but to all who need services in the future that Mosaic will be there for them.

decreased aggressive behaviors by 75%

The importance of a well-trained workforce
In 2022, members of the workforce completed 119,234 online courses in our training system.

Securing the Future

Government funding is uncertain and doesn’t provide enough to support people with disabilities to thrive.

Although data shows Mosaic provides a higher level of quality than many other organizations, the reimbursement rates are uniform across all providers within a state. Additionally, it is not uncommon for states to maintain or even reduce reimbursement rates to balance budgets. At the same time, Mosaic’s expenses respond to market changes and routinely increase.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Strengthens The Mosaic Foundation to support the organization in challenging economic conditions and weather unpredictable
    events such as the recent pandemic.
  • Supports the Mosaic workforce with additional resources.
  • Funds research and development for mission-driven innovation.

Past disbursements from The Foundation have funded capital improvements needed on Mosaic properties; strategic targeted wage investments across the network; and tools that enhance services, such as an electronic health record.

Donor gifts through Hope Beyond Measure that enhance The Mosaic Foundation create a legacy that lasts well into the future.

online training courses completed

In the most recent satisfaction survey of people supported, 84.29% responded with agree or strongly agree to the statement: “Staff/provider is well-trained and skillful.”

84.29% believe Mosaic’s workforce is well-trained

Ramon Muniz, Associate Director, Mosaic in Denver: My ‘Why’

“Mosaic has proven time and time again that they value their employees just as much as the people they support. Mosaic is dedicated to providing top-tier services while continuously striving to improve workforce culture. I am continuously impressed with the measures taken to ensure that all who are a part of the Mosaic family are treated with dignity and respect.”