Hope Inspires

Goal: $20 Million

Hope inspires Mosaic to think creatively and expand service options.

Since each person has unique social, environmental, financial, physical, psychological and spiritual needs that affect their well-being, Mosaic uses a whole-person approach to services that follows the person’s lead in making choices and pursuing goals, which we call personalized services.

Mark Conway: Spending my day my way.

Mark views a variety of images and uses those to free sketch. He particularly enjoys making greeting cards and sells them at a farmers market from May through October. He has developed repeat customers and has mailed his work across the country as well. Mark particularly enjoys drawing cartoon characters but has expanded to animals, flowers, and more.

Steve Golly, Mosaic at Home Provider: My ‘Why’

“Anybody that meets Ron, they love him. He just brings so much joy to everybody’s life. Ron and I connected right from the start. From day one, if I was going somewhere, he was going with me. Ron’s probably my best friend now.

“Mosaic at Home is a great program, because it gets people out into a home where they can get one-on-one attention and make great progress. We’ve promoted it so well that nine other people have become home providers.”

David shares a home with Zach and provides the support he needs through Mosaic at Home. Learn more about them in this video.

Personalized Services

People with disabilities and their families deserve and expect more options and choices than were offered in the past.

Whether it is where and with whom they live, what activities they choose to participate in or whether to have a job, people with disabilities and their families are seeking new and expanded options.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Grows the Mosaic at Home (shared living) service. More people
    now receive that service than any other residential offering.
  • Transforms day services for full community engagement.
  • Expands in-home supports across the network that target
    specific, defined needs to enable people to live independently
    with support only when needed.
  • Enhances group residential settings to refl ect a commitment to
    personalized services.
  • Promotes whole-person services across the network.

Your gift to Hope Beyond Measure will strengthen and accelerate Mosaic’s whole-person approach in these areas and others to make personalized services the new measure of success for quality.

Where People Receive Services Affects Quality Outcomes
Of 24-hour settings, Mosaic at Home has the highest number of quality outcomes on average.

Mosaic at Home ranks highest in seven quality measurements

Watch a story featuring Louis, who receives services through Soreo, a Mosaic affiliate in Arizona.

Complementary Services

There are growing, emerging and diverse needs that Mosaic has the skills and expertise to meet within the scope of our mission.

While Mosaic’s primary focus will continue to be people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we will expand to support others where there is a good fit with our skills and workforce.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Fosters innovations such as expanding in-home services that
    meet emerging community needs.
  • Enables development of new service models.

Soreo In-Home Supports, a Mosaic affiliate in Arizona, is an example. Many served through Soreo do not have an intellectual or developmental disability, but are either aging or have a progressive disability such as multiple sclerosis. Through contracted workers, Soreo provides non-medical, hourly supports that enable people to remain independent and in their homes.

Needs for in-home support are growing rapidly. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2029, people over the age of 65 will account for 20% of the population. Through Hope Beyond Measure, you can help Mosaic become an in-home support leader.

A Place for Faith

Non-profit, faith-based voices are more important than ever to ensure personalized services given the changing provider landscape.

Although other organizations may offer similar services, Mosaic stands apart: we’re here for people, not for profit. Mosaic’s strong presence as a faith-based organization is a reminder that people always come first.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Grows the unique and innovative Rejoicing Spirits full-inclusion worship model, now in use by congregations in more than 20 states.
  • Expands education opportunities in partnership with seminaries to help students learn how to support and include people with disabilities and their families.
  • Expands the work of Mosaic’s Church Relations program that supports local staff across the network to develop partnerships with community churches.

Donations have an important impact on Mosaic’s Church Relations program. Your donation to Hope Beyond Measure is an affirmation of Mosaic’s God-inspired call to love and serve.

Mosaic’s Rejoicing Spirits ministry continues to experience steady growth.
In addition, more than 50 churches are in some stage of inquiring or preparing to implement Rejoicing Spirits worship.

56 Rejoicing Spirits congregations

Intellectual disability is more common in low-income countries
Worldwide, 1 in 10 people.
Among the poorest, 1 in 5 people.
Source: Special Olympics/United Nations Development Program

International Outreach

In many areas of the world, including Tanzania, people with disabilities face stigma and neglect with no access to medical services or educational and employment opportunities.

Through effective international partnerships, Mosaic is changing cultural attitudes and practices. Our accompaniment model helps local organizations build capacity and become self-sustaining. The Building a Caring Community (BCC) program began in 2007 with our partner, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. BCC now serves more than 200 young people who have disabilities with health and training services. But there’s more to be done.

Hope Beyond Measure:

  • Adds more community centers providing life-changing services in Tanzania, serving more people closer to their homes.
  • Supports in-home services for children in rural areas where poor quality or non-existent roads keep them homebound.
  • Grows income opportunities through vocational training and small business loans. Positions Mosaic to support a new international partnership in response to ongoing requests.

Even the limited, fully donor-supported assistance Mosaic provides its international partner has far-reaching, life-changing effects. That’s the power of your gift to Hope Beyond Measure.

80% of people with intellectual disabilities live in low-income countries

265.3 Million children with disabilities worldwide
Source: UNICEF