Campaign Chairs

Meet Hope Beyond Measure’s Co-Chairs and Honorary Chairs

Ted and Cheryl Swanson

Campaign Co-Chairs

For over one hundred years Mosaic has been serving people with intellectual disabilities, people who have often been ignored and forgotten by the wider society. Mosaic has not only provided safe and compassionate care but has endeavored to ensure that each person it serves is empowered to seek the life that she or he desires. Mosaic also has advocated for those it serves in our churches, with other service providers, and in our communities.

We’ve been blessed to play a small part in helping Mosaic pursue its mission over the past several years and are now honored to be co-chairs of the current Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Mosaic is not content to rest upon its past achievements but is committed to continue improving the way that it serves others—this campaign can fulfill Mosaic’s hope to be even more effective in empowering, serving, and advocating for others. More importantly, through this campaign Mosaic can continue offering hope to those it serves for lives that are secure and fulfilled.

During our time with Mosaic we’ve heard story after story from people whose lives have been transformed by Mosaic. And these stories are not only those of the people Mosaic serves, but also stories from people who provide service and have found their own lives enriched by the experience of being part of such a good organization and helping others. We truly believe that the more familiar you become with Mosaic’s work, the more impressed you will be. We encourage you to join in this Hope Beyond Measure campaign and help Mosaic in offering hope to many.

Julie and Randy Richardson

Campaign Co-Chairs

We are excited to serve as co-chairs of the Hope Beyond Measure campaign. Julie’s sister, Mary Beth, has been living with Mosaic for approximately 30 years. She has thrived since she moved to Mosaic and her quality of life has been positively impacted by her living experience. When we were asked to contribute our time and effort to this campaign, it was an easy decision.

Our years of interaction with Mosaic through Mary Beth’s living experience has confirmed that this organization is true to its mission of caring, compassion and love. We have witnessed firsthand the impact that Mosaic has had on her life and the lives of those she has lived with. Mosaic clearly serves an important role in the lives of so many with disabilities and that is why we are motivated to serve as well.

We are proud to be a part of the Mosaic heritage, committed to its mission for more than 100 years. We also understand the challenges associated with providing support and care to those whom Mosaic serves. Today, those challenges are greater than ever before. The Hope Beyond Measure campaign is about the future of Mosaic. It is about an organization that has the expertise and knowledge to meet current and future challenges, to assure continuance of the mission to share God’s love and support those in need. We are humbled to be part of Mosaic’s future. We would be honored if you join us and participate in such an important cause through the Hope Beyond Measure campaign.

Pastor Mark and Kathy Helge

Honorary Chairs

The Rev. Mark and Kathy Helge have been faithful supporters of Mosaic and church ministries locally, nationally, even internationally. In 2019 they established the Joyful Spirits Endowment Fund which is dedicated to Mosaic’s church relations work. In sharing this gift, Kathy noted, “We’ve been blessed to be a blessing to others. We want to ensure that Mosaic is a place of rejoicing spirits and
that Mosaic stays true to God’s call to pursue opportunities that empower people.”

Rev. Helge served as a Lutheran pastor for 40 years, while Kathy worked as a Medical Technologist early in their marriage before taking time off to raise their two sons. Now happily retired, they enjoy spending time at their homes in Florida and Wisconsin and are thoroughly enjoying traveling and volunteering where they can.

“We have all developed a strong trust and respect for the entire Mosaic Team—they sacrifice so much to be able to support others in need. I am so thankful for every one of them.”

— Family survey response